Goals & OKR 🏆

Track your team goals & OKRs with Hypercontext

Ganindu Porage avatar
Written by Ganindu Porage
Updated over a week ago

Track your team's goals and OKRs with Hypercontext workspace. In this help document we will outline:

•Create a new Goal

•Edit Goal

•Goal Library

•Display Goals on agenda

If you currently do not have access to Goals, please click here to speak with a Hypercontext Specialist to receive a 30-day free trial of the Goals features with the Hypercontext Business Plan.

Creating a new Goal:

First, select the Team Meeting or 1:1 that you wish to add your goal into. Select "Goals" on the main navigation bar to access the Goals page.

Select "+ Add Goal" to create a blank goal. Select the newly created Goal to edit.

  1. Goal Symbol/Emoji: Select an emoji that best represents the Goal that you are trying to achieve.

  2. Show on agenda: This toggle will allow you to turn on/off having this goal appear on your main agenda. (Fun Fact: You are 90% more likely to complete a goal if you speak about it each week)

  3. Set Target Date: Set a due date for your goal to have a target to work towards. This date will also appear on the main agenda.

  4. Goal Title: Name your goal

  5. Goal Description: Add some additional context to the goal to ensure everyone is on the same page.

  6. Milestones: Add milestones to track towards your goal. As you check off milestones, the goal will update to indicate the % of completion.

Goal Suggestions:

Hypercontext has the largest collection of Goal/OKR suggestions anywhere on the web. To view and add a goal from our suggestion list, select 💡 Suggestions.

Select your job function and to add a goal from the suggestions, click on the goal and it will add to your meeting goal.

Edit Goal:

If you wish to edit a suggested goal, first select it to add the goal, and then select the goal to open up the goal detail view and make any necessary changes.

Display Goal On Agenda:

The toggle to display goals on agenda will automatically create an agenda item on your main agenda displaying your goals, progress and target date.

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